Why WSO2 Micro Integrator integration with WSO2 API Manager is more convenient than Kong API Gateway
WSO2 API manager 4.x.x family was released with an amazing feature call service catalog which allows publishing integration services as managed APIs in a very robust manner. Without making much verbose, let me draw your attention to a concrete example.
Let’s take S3ConnectorTestAPI
Context: /s3connector
Now let’s see steps that need to be followed in order to expose the /s3connector integration service as a managed API from Kong API gateway.
Step 01: Define http://localhost:8290/s3connector as a service in Kong API Gateway.
Step 02: Define routes for paths:/createbucket ,/addobject, /info
Now Let’s see how easy it is to expose an integration service as a managed service via WSO2 API manager.
First, you have to put below configuration in the {MI_HOME}/conf/deployment.toml which tells where is the WSO2 API Manager Instance is running.
Once you apply the configuration restart the WSO2 Micro Integrator, in the Micro Integrator logs you will see a log line to make sure of a successful connection with WSO2 API Manager.
Now you can login to the Publisher component of WSO2 API manager, where you should be able to see integration service “S3ConnectorTest” under services without any manual step.
Further you should be able to see API definition as well as most important thing is you can create managed API from single click on Create API button.
Now Let’s see generated artifacts within WSO2 API Manager.
I suppose now you have experienced the power service catalog feature when it comes exposing your integration services as managed APIs.