Explore your Integrations with WSO2 Micro Integrator Dashboard

3 min readJun 22, 2023


As I have explained in the previous article [1], WSO2 Micro Integrator is a container-friendly lightweight version of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. Externalizing the UI component is a major contributor towards making it able to run with low memory footprint and reducing start time. Micro Integrator Dashboard will be the UI element of the Micro Integrator runtime, which could be installed as a separate distribution. Micro Integrator Dashboard communicates with Micro Integrator runtime via HTTP APIs in order to view deployed artefacts, view logs, update deployed artefacts and manage users.

You can download the WSO2 Micro Integrator dashboard from [2] and install it as per your operating system.

Since I am using Mac OS, binary can be started as mentioned in the below screen.

Once server is started successfully, you can browse the server with below URL


Once you enter credentials admin:admin, you will see below screen with the message ‘No running micro integrator instance found. Please start a server and login’. That means you have to start micro integrator instance in order to see the Micro Integrator dashboard.

Make sure you add below configuration to Micro Integrator instance {MI_HOME}/conf/deployment.toml before starting the micro integrator instance.


dashboard_url = “https://localhost:9743/dashboard/api/"

heartbeat_interval = 5

group_id = “mi_dev”

node_id = “dev_node_2”

Now you should be able to login to Micro Integrator dashboard with admin:admin credentials

Please note that Group ID and Node ID are visible according to the configurations you have added to the deployment.toml.

Since I already deployed a REST API according to [1], It is visible in the APIs section. For more information refer [3].

[1] https://oneiam.medium.com/develop-your-first-integration-with-wso2-micro-integrator-d7f99f6c6fa7

[2] https://wso2.com/micro-integrator/#

[3] https://apim.docs.wso2.com/en/latest/observe/mi-observe/working-with-monitoring-dashboard/




Written by oneIAM

One-stop solution for all your enterprise identity and access management requirements

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